Duval k9 dog training Board and train.

Duval K9 Pet Breeding and Training has years of experience serving the hard-working people of Duval County and beyond. They have come to trust us because of our modern facility and high quality of care. At Duval KP Pet we dedicate ourselves to a healthy legacy. If you’re looking for a protection dog that is a highly trained, well tempered Malinois Shepherd or Dutch Shepherd, Duval K9 Pet Breeding, Selling & Dog Training is the place to go!


Malinois Shepherd Breed

The Belgian Malinois Shepherd is a smart, confident, and versatile breed that forms an everlasting bond with its owner. Malinois Shepherds are people-oriented and love to spend time with their human companions. They are very active dogs who require plenty of exercise and time outide. Malionois typically stand a grand 22-26 inches tall and weigh 60-80 lbs (male) and 40-60 lbs (female). They are an extremely trainable breed and have wonderful personalities, making them a great family dog.
Storm 2

Dutch Shepherd Breed

The Dutch Shepherd is a intelligent, lively, and athletic breed. They get along with other dogs, and are good with children. They are easily trained and are a more independent breed than the Malinois. Dutch Shepherds are extremely obedient, playfull and loving, making them a wonderful companion and family dog. Dutch Shepherds typically stand a grand 21-25 inches tall and weight between 40-70 lbs.


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